How's that for an "all but the kitchen sink" post title? We got many things accomplished this weekend. We're at the stage of the build where lots needs to be done, but the big things have to wait for something else to happen. For example - we have no roof yet. But that's because the trusses couldn't go up until the porch support wall was complete. Oh, and until the trusses actually arrive on site. But there are many other things that need doing and we tackled a few of them.
The building has been wrapped and we set about cutting the window and doors open.
Light shining through Tyvek, so pretty! |
Ta-da! Openings cut, stapled open, and ready for taping.
Chris and Matt built the porch support wall last week and it's ready to hold up the porch trusses. The porch is 12 feet deep and will be great for picnic benches, comfy seating, and all that wonderful summer stuff.
The porch wall |
It was cold at the start of the weekend. And, as usual lately, wet. I am wearing approximately 25 lbs of clothing. Puffy, bulky, hard to move in, but oh so warm, clothing. We're giving Carhartt coveralls some serious consideration.
Taping in the cold |
Taping the house was pleasant work that unfortunately often involved leaning out the second story windows. This photo is quite circumspect as most of the time I was halfway out and leaning over to get a tricky spot. Or leaning over the top of the wall - this may cure me of my balance issues. Or kill me. Let's hope it's the former, not the latter.
See me in the little window? |
We forgot to cover the back wall of the Bridge. We've taken to considering this space as living area, which is correct, but it's outside living area. It will be protected from rain but still subject to wind, so house wrap is a must.
Back wall of the Bridge |
It got progressively warmer as the weekend went along. And we loved it!
Warming up and climbing high |
We installed two of the house doors, both exiting the mudroom. The left goes into the garage, the right goes outside to the back yard.
Mudroom doors |
We had such nice weather that we decided to move a couple of the firepit chairs up to the Bridge and enjoy a few moments of peace and sunshine. That's going to be an excellent space.
Migrating chairs |
Monday was even warmer and the sun was out in full force. We needed to refill the wood crib so that became the task for the day. We've got plenty of seasoned wood in lengths too long for the little woodstove in the Nest. So we took some time to cut it to length and split it.
At the beginning of the day |
We've also got a lot of logs that have seasoned for about 6 months and need to be cut to length for the big stove in the house. We've been working on these as time allowed and have a decent size stack cut, but spent some additional time on it while the sun was out. Chris will spend some additional time this week moving more seasoned wood to the front of the stack so that this stuff has a bit more time to age.
Sunshine! |
The day was perfect and we spent time enjoying the feel of the property as well as working.
Look at that sky! |
And we got the crib refilled. Nice!
A couple hours later |
After lunch we decided to install a couple small windows to remind ourselves of the process. We picked the downstairs bathroom windows since they seemed easiest to start on. And cheapest to replace if something went wrong.
Sandtone finish |
The install went smoothly and we'll be able to fly through the rest of the windows now that we've got the whole sill wrap, caulk, tape, level, screw, flash, tape again thing down.
Done! |
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