Some projects seem to really hang around, don't they? You finish up the big stuff and the little details remain: decorating, organizing, utilizing. The mudroom has been that type of project. And though the decorating still remains, the important stuff - storage - has been addressed.
First up: sweater boxes. My niece saved me her diaper boxes (so strong!) and I cut them to fit the space. Then I cut up some old sweaters and glued them to the boxes. And voila! Neat and pretty storage.
The raw materials |
Letting the glue dry |
Next up were some wooden crates for the smaller shelves. Chris spent a good bit of time cutting scrap wood into strips for me (hooray for band saws!). Then I used the small nail gun to pop them together.
Assembling the boxes |
Ta dah! |
And here are both sweater boxes and wooden boxes in place. I think they look great and the storage is wonderful. I added a bit of ribbon to the bottom of the sweater boxes so that it'd be easier for me to grab them and get them down. Easy and attractive.
So much storage! |
Oh, and we finished the upper cabinets too. So now there is closed storage at the very top.
With the upper cabinets in place too |
I'm working on creating knobs for the upper cabinets. I'm collecting nifty rocks on the property and glueing them to a flat head screw as a know. I'm still testing these for durability so they haven't been installed here yet.
The larger cabinet has purchased totes but the wooden crates were created by me. They're quite a bit deeper than the smaller cabinets and I've yet to fill them completely.
The other side
So that's where we are on the mudroom. Fully functional and well on its way to being decorated.