We got the closet in place! It's huge so it had to be moved in two sections. It's not completely done yet, but it's in, it fits, and I think it looks great.
The bottom will have two drawers: a shallow one for place mats and napkins and a deep one for table linens. Probably. You know what it's like when you're planning storage. Sometimes you change your mind once the drawers are actually in place.
The unit fits in the alcove between the bathroom (left) and pantry (right). We put sliding barn doors on both rooms and they are designed to slide back into the space on either side of the wardrobe. So they kinda look like pocket doors.
Bathroom and pantry doors open |
You should have seen us maneuvering this thing into place. Had to use a rolling car jack to lift the top unit into place and we wiped out the light bulb and the smoke detector in the process.
Bathroom and pantry doors closed |
We created a wine rack in between the cupboards. The unit is 33 inches deep so I can store four bottles in each cubby. That's 40 bottles of wine! I don't typically have that much wine on hand, but it sure sounds exciting.
The cupboard on the right is for the vacuum and assorted cleaning implements/supplies. We went shopping today for storage solutions like hooks, trays, and baskets. At the store I realized that I already had all the storage solutions I needed at home - I should have shopped the house first. Argh. Still, we bought a heavy duty hook for the vacuum hose and saved some money in the end. Not a totally wasted trip I guess. I'll post pictures of the organization once it's done.
The left cupboard is for bulk storage. Paper towels, TP, beer and soda cases will all fit in that area. I've got four shelves to hang and we can always add more if needed. Storage! I can start unpacking more boxes! And get stuff off the pantry floor!
T'BD preparing to jump out at the dog |
In other news, T'BD and Cooper are officially playing together. No action photos are possible as they move way too fast for my little camera. I keep just getting blurred shots of cat paws and dog heads.