Monday, March 7, 2016

This week's recipe - oxtail barley soup

Oxtail Barley Soup - doesn't that sound yummy? 

This week's recipe is from The Wooden Spoon cookbook. All different soups and stews. This is the first time I've cooked from it and I was pleased as punch that it actually had a recipe that would use up my oxtails. Which, by the way, are really weird looking. The center is sort of...squishy.

Yum, oxtails!
It's a simple recipe and it came out great.  More a vegetable soup flavor than a beef one though so I had to adjust my expectations once it was done. Regardless, it used a few simple ingredients and turned out a soup that had good flavor and enough quantity to feed us three meals. Not bad for the wag end of a cow. 

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