We spent our first night at Beech House Thursday night. The drywallers were due to arrive first thing Friday morning and we wanted to have the house warmed up before they arrived. Previous sleepovers have been in the Nest and we wanted to see what it was like in the big house.
It was beautiful. We set up in the master bedroom and learned a few things: the woodstove is able to adequately heat the upstairs without need for fans (hooray!), the moon shines beautifully through the east facing bedroom windows, and the Bridge's westward view in the morning is a mix of sun and shadow that makes me long for a comfy chair, a cup of coffee, and nothing to do. We're really going to enjoy that space.
Looking west at sunrise |
The drywall delivery truck arrived bright and early and we had to do some serious sanding to help them get down the hill. The warm weather we've had the last few days had abruptly changed to 20 degrees and the road had frozen. We all held our breath as he maneuvered the truck around that turn and down the slope.
Careful... |
He made it and they used the boom to lift 16 foot sheets of drywall up onto the Bridge. Lotta good uses for that space; it's not just for coffee and views.
Putting drywall upstairs |
By end of day, our drywaller and his helper managed to get the ceilings installed both upstairs and down. Quick work!
Drywall lift |
Lifts and screw guns made the work go quickly. Still lots of lifting and ladder climbing and I'm really glad we decided to hire it done.
Drywall dust obscuring the lens |
Chris is back up there today to install the water line for the solar hot water system before they close in the wall and the utility room ceiling. I'm packing (this is just a short break! Honest!) at the Troy house and have one room finished and a good start on the next. I better get back to it.